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Guru Paduka Tattva In Srividya

Writer's picture: Mantraam TeamMantraam Team

A short note on the essence of Guru Paduka Tattva in Srividya.

First of all let us try to understand what Diksha is:

" Diyate parasivaikya bhavana – Kshiyate Sakala paapa sanchayah

Yena chit jaladhi paarasethuna – Dikshanaam Gurukataksha Vikshanam "

This is from Chidvilasa Stavah of Amritananda Yogi.

The gurukataksha or guru's grace is compared to the bridge to reach the ocean of CHIT. With the help of this guru's grace, parasivaaikya-bhavana (communion with Para-Siva) is achieved. All the sins are destroyed by the glance of this guru's grace.

To that glance and grace of Guru is called DIKSHA (Di-yate Parasivaikya bhavana – KSHIyate sakala paapa sanchayah = DI+KSHI=DIKSHA).

Now, let us try to understand what PADUKA is:

The word Paduka is a State of " Saamarasya of Principle of Siva and Saktii ".
Paduka is the *equilibrium state* of Siva-Sakti or Kameswara and Kameswari.

This is NOT to be confused with PAIR OF SANDALS which the guru wears.

This was clearly stated by Sri Dipakanathacharya, Sri Amritananda Yogi and Sri Sivanandanatha.

The " bhavana " of guru paduka is done as given below:

" tasya kandalitha karnikaanthare – kluptha varna makadhaadirekhaya

Konalakshita HA LA KSHA Mandalam – Bhaava lakshyam Analaalayam Bhaje ".

At the Dwadasaantha sthala of Sahasrara Chakra, an upward triangle has to be contemplated. At the topmost angle of the triangle LA Bija Mantra, at the left angle HA Bija Mantra and at the right angle KSHA bija Mantra should be meditated. The left side of the triangle, entire vowels from A to AHA (visarga), at the Right Side of the Triangle the Matrikas from K, Ka,……Dha, Na, Tha and at

the base of the Triangle the Matrikas Sa, Sha, Ssa, Ya, Dha should be contemplated. At the centre of the triangle, the pair of guru padukas in the form couple of swans (Hamsa) has to be contemplated.

Now, Srividya Dikshas are of 4 types : Kriya, Varna, Kala, Veda Dikshas.
Initiation involving mandapa, kalasa, homa is Kriya Diksha.

When 36 principles of creation are contemplated it is Kala Diksha.

When the universe is contemplated as Sabda, it is called Varna Diksha.

Mantra is an assemblage of varna or bija and when repeated with sincerity is known to kindle mantra chaitanya that is dormant.

Initiation into the cosmos of Sound through Mantra is Varna Diksha.

Initiation through penetration is called Vedha Diksha.

Vedha is penetration.

The Guru Penetrates to the Mooladhara Chakra of Sishya through his subtle body and hence it is called " Vedha ".

There are different Vedha dikshas.

They are Sakti Paatha, Sparsha, Drik.

The vedha diksha is normally done in two ways depending upon the receptivity of the disciple. Tivra (rapid) and tivratara (more rapid) Vedha.

Adhva Shodhana, a special tantric practice is followed by the GURU in transferring the Cosmic Energy of Srividya.

The Guru performs the adhva shodhana and decides which is the most appropriate form of Diksha for the sadhaka as per the tendencies, vasanas and degree of receptivity.

While performing this adhva-shodhana and Vedha, the Guru in his subtle body enters the mooladhara chakra of sishya.

Concentrating on the Mooladhara Chakra of the disciple gathers the corresponding 4 bija of 4 petals at Mooladhara and unites them to Svadhistana chakra. Similar effort is done and united at Manipura. This process is done till the shat chakras are penetrated and the bijas of the corresponding chakras are gathered. Guru gathers these letters together in the Bindu and Units them with Kala and later on with Nada later on with Nadanta and finally with Unmani.

So, when Guru Paduka Diksha is conferred, the sishya undergoes through this Vedha Diksha. When the Guru gives the Paduka Diksha, all the matrikas and bijas of the shat-chakras are assimilated at

Sahasrara of the sishya by the Gurunatha and bestows the state of Unmani.

During this state of Unmani, the sishya automatically gets the bhavana of shiva-shakti saamarasya swarupa at sahasrara in the middle of the triangle which I mentioned above. This triangle is surrounded by the cosmic powers of matrikas and the three angles are presided by Ha, La, Ksha Bijas.

During the process of Purna Diksha, the sishya experiences a vision of himself alighted on a swan amidst the milky ocean of sahasrara where his guru on another swan at chit chandramandala of sahasrara offers his helping hand to this sishya. Thus, the guru offering his helping hand to sishya makes him cross samsara sagara after undergoing all the rites of purna diksha.

This sort of Diksha vidhana is carried down from GURU to SHISHYA. So, during this diksha vidhana, the State of Awareness which Guru experiences is conferred to the Sishya. And thus, the Srividya Guru Parampara continues……………….

An Exclusive Article By Sriram


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