Kundalini is Shakti of Shiva.
It's manifested in 3 ways. 1st is
Supreme Kundalini (para Kundalini) (supreme visarga):
It's the one which has created the universe & concealed the true nature of Shiva.
Concealed Shiva is Anuttara Shiva. Revealed Shiva is Mahesvara Shiva.
para Kundalini can only be experienced with the leaving of body. It's called heart of Shiva. It's most intense form of Shakti.
2nd is
cit Kundalini (medium visarga):
It is experienced by Yogis detached from material world, through meditation. Meditation is means of focusing on the center (between 2 points of visarga- Sakti Bindu & Siva Bindu)
Meditation is a simple technique which requires practice of continuous (unbroken) {like offering of water/milk to Sivalinga in unbroken flow}, realized but alert, awareness with focus (one-pointedness) in center between 2 breaths, 2 thoughts, 2 actions or between creation & destruction!
There are 112 typical examples of such practices called as Siva Sutras which is classic reference text for meditation techniques since time immemorial. Every human will find one or another for his liking if he/she wishes so. No alteration to this classic text is possible or required.
This one-pointedness when achieved is actually a state of Susupti. This state is available naturally for everyone. Key is to observe it in awareness. Conscious efforts from state1,2 (awake) & 5,6 (sleep meditation) leads to conscious entering in state of Susupti (3, 7, 9-11)
(Note, you can read the above article if the states of consciousness is not known to you.)
Conscious entering in state of Susupti & maintaining awareness there starts something new, automatically. Jump to Turya (beyond)! In body, certain changes are observed regarding breathing. 1st change is that gross breathing (svas) coagulates & then stops completely!
If one doesn't panic & somehow stays with same vigilance & calmness then can observe finer breathing (prana) rising from standstill & whirling about a point, shifting to slight right to normal passage of breath & then transforming to finer still breath called prana (life).
This finest form of breath rushes down to Central canal (Susumna) till the bottom of spine (muladhara). Most will feel some sensation as of crawling or flickering of perineal muscles initially. This moment fills with such ecstasy that one never had experienced before.
First time one experiences true nature as cit+ananda (consciousness+bliss). Two inseparable primordial energies of Shiva and actual "Being" state of all. With Grace if one maintains this state then cit Kundalini rises like uncoiling of fierce serpent & at once. Pierce 1- 6 chakras till bhrumadhya. Here 1 breathes out once, only OUT & only ONCE! Breathing is again stopped or vanished.
When one's awareness is in unison with finest form of breath pranana (life), then there's no need of gross or subtle breathing to body. cit Kundalini rises further to bramarandhra/sahastrara at top of skull (7th chakra). Whole channel from muladhara to sahastrara is filled with it.
One more time one breathes OUT & now can open eyes. Now you are one with flow, nature & fully aware. So much so that you can be aware of any conscious being any distance apart. YOU feel whole conscious universe at once.
This is called Karma mudra. This is state of Jivanmukti.
Soul if retains body & hence individual identity then it can bE either: A) Avatar (Saheb-e-zaman) (Rasool): 1 & only soul in 1 kalpa B) Perfect Master (Sadguru) (Qutub): 5 souls C) Liberated from cycle (Jivanmukta): (Azad-e-Mutlaq): 48 souls D) Brahmi Bhoot (Majzoob): 3 souls
These 56 souls other than Avatar are in 7th spiritual plane, always are present at any given time in their human body & are called as Sivatamas/ God(self) realized.
The third form is parana Kundalini (lower visarga). It's experienced by those Yogis who have some attachment with the material world still left. The difference in experience is such that one can clearly feel slower uncoiling of Kundalini but it's rising & activation of chakras more vividly.
Here Kundalini will not rush as much to reach 7th chakra. In fact your experience will be limited to 1-5 charas only. Sometimes it rises to naval (Manipur) or sometimes to heart (Anahat) and you will have respective experiences unique to that chakra level.
This will complete your experience in 3rd form of Kundalini awakening. Most will move out in their mundane life with not much of unique consciousness gained. A few might stay on particular chakra for some time & will perceive the universe in much different way.
If one finds awakening upto Anahat then he will be able to feel intense love. Wind blowing, birds chirping will tintilate your heart & you will be filled with ecstasy. However return to "normalcy" is inevitable & only matter of time. One needs to practice more & wait for grace.
Every chakra is gateway to Kundalini.
Each chakra is unique in energy form & can be invoked by appropriate mantra & practice of breath meditation. This being the core concept of Kriya yoga. Which is a variant of Raja yoga or Ashtanga yoga.
1) Muladhara cakra: Color is vibrant orange, Sakti's name is Sakini, Seed syllable is SAM (some say it's LAM but it's pronounced like 'sung' with soft g in end
2) Svadhishthana cakra: Color is Yellow, Sakti's name is Kakini, Seed syllable is KAM
3) Manipur cakra: Color is red, Sakti's name is Lakini Seed syllable is LAM
4) Anahat cakra: Color is black (text says it's green. It's NOT) Sakti's name is Rakini Seed syllable is RAM
5) Vishuddhi cakra: Color is Red-Sandalwood Sakti's name is Dakini Seed syllable is DAM
6) Agya/ bhrumadhya cakra: Color is pure white Sakti's name is Hakini Seed syllable is HAM
7) Sahastrara cakra: Situated in thousand-petalled lotus, adorned with all letters of Sanskrit, holding all implements, facing all directions... Color is violet/ purple. Sakti's name is Yakini. Seed syllable is YAM. Root letter is ya meaning THIS. This is it. NOW!
If this cakra isn't pierced then journey is complete by coming out at Agya cakra & you will have achieved 8 great yogic powers.
1) Anima- becoming invisible 2) Laghima- becoming light 3) Garima- increase weight of body 4) Mahima- become huge 5) Isitvam- control over nature 6) Vasitvam- make urself attractive 7) Prakamyam- control over body's involuntary systems 8) Vyapti- power to pervade the universe
Ashtasiddhis (8 great yogic powers) is a lure that Yogi has to pass. There are 6 variations in rise of prana Kundalini. 1) Mantravedha-
When Yogi chants Siva mantra "aham" with intense longing for Supreme I, then breath becomes blissful force which rises & pierces 1-6 cakras
2) Nadavedha- When Yogi is filled with desire to uplift mankind then blissful force transforms into nada. This nada rises & pierces 1-6 cakras 3) Binduvedha- When Yogi is seeking peace of mind & nothing else then prana transforms into fountain of ecstasy & supercedes all joy
4) Saktavedha- When Yogi desires to become strong & has perfect health then blissful force is transformed to energy & gives intense feeling of tingling energy.
5) Bhujangavedha- When Yogi thinks Kundalini as serpent power then breath transforms & rises like Cobra till 7th cakra.
6) Bhramaravedha- When Yogi wishes to become teacher & initiate disciples then breath transforms to buzzing of black bee. He experiences the buzz & intense bliss with its rise. The choice of variation is determined by inherent longings. Lastly as statuary warning lest anyone is simply lured by Kundalini & ashtasiddhis 😈 There's another way for Kundalini to rise. Kundalini pierces 1-6 cakras & reaching Agya cakra, it starts to move. It then moves 5th cakra, then 4th, then 3rd then 2nd & finally muladhara...
When all these cakras are in motion by reverse activation of Kundalini then you come out. It's called "pisacavesah" meaning "trance of ghosts" Malini Vijaya Tantra: III;31 It achieves nothing & does great harm!
An article by GS
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