The concept of Moksha is not related to universe or multiverse.
There are two definitions of life, both of which are related: The first is PRAANA DHAARANA JEEVANAM – meaning, if the internal energy of a body interacts with its environment, then it is called life. The other is, SENDRIYAM CHETANA DRAVYAM NIRINDRIYAM ACHETANAM – those possessed of sense organs are sentient and those not possessing the sense organs are not-sentient. The sense organs function with the external world through energy only.
The essence of life then comes down to interactive energy. Energy always causes motion. Motion generates inertia creating further action. This action-reaction chain continues. We are bound by these chains and enjoy or suffer because of these. Imagine a person in the river. As long as he tries to swim out, he creates action, which will have a reaction. He may come out or may drown based on his efforts. But what if his body is so light that it floats over the water? Will he have to bother about the river flow?
Take another example. You are traveling on a train and looking outside to enjoy the beautiful meadows. Suddenly you thought of something and got immersed in your thought. Will you enjoy or suffer the outside scene? No. Because though you are looking, you are not “seeing”. Hence, it does not generate inertia. What happens when you arrive at the end of your journey? You may go to some destination by some means. But if every place is similar for you, you will not bother about where you are (like when you are roaming in your garden). That also does not generate inertia.
Our suffering or enjoyment is due to the results of our actions based on the universal principles that govern everything as per its inherent properties. Fire burns everything. If you put your finger in the fire, it will burn. If you do not put your finger in the fire, it will not burn. But once you do some action, you can’t avoid its effect. You must enjoy or suffer that effect.
Suppose you stop doing any work. That is impossible. You should at least be seating or sleeping and that also works. But if your mind is not preoccupied with the action you are doing, it does not generate inertia. Hence, the accumulation of further effect stops. This is called KARMA-SANYASA. Once you exhaust all the effects, you come to a standstill position. There is no enjoyment or suffering. Your body leaves you. You are not reborn, because the cause for rebirth – enjoying the effects of your actions – has vanished. You are positioned in one state.
That fixed state is called MOKSHA - मोक्षँ आस॑ने (अस॑ने).
So Moksha is all about release from the bondage of a personal self – not the universe or multiverse. It has nothing to do with “the supreme enjoyer, the Personality of Godhead” or “eternally void of all disturbances and is fearless” or “the principle primeval cause of all causes and effects, in whom there is no sacrifice for fruitive activities and in whom the illusory energy does not stand”.
An Article by Sri Basudeba Mishra
(Readers can follow him on his facebook page and read his wonderful writeups.)