As told by the great ṛṣi anGirsa about parā vidya and apara vidya.
द्वे विद्ये वेदितव्ये इति ह् स्म यद्ब्रह्मविदो वदन्ति परा चैवापरा च |तत्रापरा ऋग्वेदो यजुर्वेदः सामवेदोऽथर्ववेदः शिक्षा कल्पो व्याकरणं निरुक्तं छन्दो ज्योतिषमिति |अथ परा यया तदक्षरमधिग्म्यते ||
There were two different kinds of knowledge to be acquired 'the higher knowledge' or Para Vidya (परा विद्या ) and 'the lower knowledge' or Apara Vidya.
The lower knowledge consists of all textual knowledge - the four Vedas, the science of pronunciation, etc., the code of rituals, grammar, etymology, metre, and astrology.
The higher knowledge is by which the immutable and the imperishable Atman is realized, which knowledge brings about the direct realization of the Supreme Reality, the source of All.
The knowledge of the Atman is very subtle; it cannot be obtained out of one’s own effort; the Atman cannot be intuitively apprehended by mere intellectual equipments.
Thus, the great anGirasa draws the distinction between the way of knowledge and the way of realization, as between opinion and truth.
For understanding this for realizing the Reality the aspirant must seek a teacher. The teacher who has already realized his identity with the Atman alone can impart this much sought after wisdom on the strength of his own experiences.
A human being is blessed with the faculty of self-knowledge which is Apara Vidya or logical reasoning and also with the faculty of understanding and self-awareness which is Para Vidya or quantum logic.
Para Vidya is defined as the intuitive vision of non-duality; it is the transcendental knowledge which is beyond all limits of knowledge, experience and reason, which is, beyond intellect, mind and sense.
The Absolute, which is Truth, which is Reality, is neither an expression nor a reflection of itself; it is non-dual being devoid of otherness, and it cannot be an object of knowledge in the ordinary sense as it surpasses the intellect in subtleness.
Knowledge is truth and truth is correspondence of an apprehension with its object. It is the intellect which moves within the sphere of duality resulting in delusion, wrong identification etc.
Para Vidya is the intuitive level of vidya that stems from a unity, and manifests as a vision, manifests as an experience.
This is just the part of the great wisdom which our ancients shared with us. Now I would like to write about certain issues pertaining to the ancient Scientific knowledge which was transferred to us in a veiled form. It is for the sadhaka, grihastha and even a bhikshu to understand the intricacies of the messages put forth by our fully realized rsis, yogis, yoginis and jagadgurus
The worship of the Supreme Divine Feminine dates back to 40,000+ years on this planet. Different cultures had different patterns in worshipping the Supreme Feminine and had different names for the mother who is the giver of true knowledge
The worship of the Supreme Feminine is not some neo moment. It's been there on this planet for longer than any known worship.
Our Ancients had a special understanding about the Worship of the Supreme "Shakti" as the primordial Supreme Parabrahma SwarOpa.
Prakriti and Purusha were equally venerated and worshipped. The union of Prakriti and purusha is the reason for creation and dissolution of quintillions of universes every nano second. The rsis and sadhakas who understood this absolute truth gained the supreme consciousness.