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36 Tattvas

Updated: Nov 7, 2020

Theory of Fabric of Universe (tattvas) & The Being who adorns it (Paramshiva)

The whole universe is 3 fold layer. Gross (sthula) Subtle (sukshma) Subtlest (para) Gross is made of 36 subtle elements (tattva) Subtle elements are made of 5 subtlest
5 subtlest elements (para) are called kalAs. a) NivrittI kalA b) PratisthA kalA c) VidyA kalA d) SAnta kalA e) Santatita kalA
36 tatvas are: 5 great elements (PancaMahabhutas) a) prithvI (Earth) b) Jala (Water) c) Tejas (Fire) d) VAyu (Air) e) AkAsh (Ether/space) 5 subtle elements (PancaTanmatras) a) Gandha (smell) b) Rasa (taste) c) Rupa (form) d) sparsha (touch) e) Shabda (sound)
5 cognition (sense) organs (jnanendriyas) a) Ghrana (nose) b) Rasana (tongue) c) Caksu (eyes) d) Tvak (skin) e) Srotra (ear)

Thing to understand is that it's not literally organs which are tattva but the subtle particles which carry corresponding cognition.

Similarly, subtle elements are only abode of 5 forms of cognition & not themselves smell, taste, form etc... -Also to note that three categories above described are corresponding to each other in a to a, b to b & so on.
For ex: a) Earth tattva corresponds to a) Gandha tattva which is cognized by a) Ghrana (nose) So we have great elements corresponding to minor elements which are abode to senses of perception which finally are cognized by senses
5 Action organs (karmendriyas) a) Upastha (creative organ) b) Payu (excretion organs) c) Pada (movement organ-feet) d) Pani (skill organ- hands) e) Vak (speech organ)
3 Internal organs (antahkaranas) a) Manas patal (mind-seat of thought- sankalp sadhana) b) Buddhih (intellect- seat of decision on righteousness of thought to take action or ignore) c) Ahankara (ego- limited "I"ness connected with objectivity)
So what we consider as mind has 3 subdivisions: Manas patal is like screen on which thoughts/ feelings of 1-15 tattvas are impressioned & then sorted out in appropriate labels by intellect as worthy of action or archive as memory. Ego is limited light of Self which runs the show.
This trio of antahkaran (manas-buddhih-ahankara) envelopes 2 tattvas of self in objectivity: a) Prakriti (Nature as abode to 3 gunas- says, raja tama) b) Purusha (Ego connected partially to subjectivity inside- unrealized "I"ness)

All these 25 tattvas are in Vedanta too.

Limit to "I"ness in Ahankara tattva & Purusha tattva comes from 5 coverings (bondages or kanchukas) & 1 adhesive glue called Maya.
These 6 are next tattvas: a) niyatI- limiting "I" in specific space b) kAl- limiting"I" in specific time c) rAga- attachment to objects d) vidyA- limited knowledge e) kalA- limited skill & Finally f) mAyA- ignorance which covers true inner self & let "I"ness to adhere to 5 limitations. These 6 tattvas separate first 25 tattvas of objective world from subjective self

These 6 tattvas (sat kanchukas or coverings) cover final 5 tattvas which are in pure subjectivity

5 pure elements (suddha tattvas): a) suddha VidyA (pure knowledge) - when soul realizes self but realization is flickering. Realization is "I m Shiva & This is universe"
b) isvara tattva- purer subjectivity- Realization is "I m Shiva & universe is my own expansion" Universe is no more illusion but expansion of self. c) sadAshiva tattva- still purer subjectivity- Realization is "I m Shiva & I myself m whole universe" d) Shakti tattva & e) Shiva tattva
They are interdependent tattvas with purest subjectivity. No separate cognition of universe from self. Realization is "just I, pure I, universal I" This is Ardhanarishwara Shiva- the complete final state.
These 36 coverings including Sakti & Siva tattvas are still covering of That Being who doesn't come in cycle of tattvas. He's creator of these tattvas. YOU find him everywhere & nowhere.

He's Paramshiva. He's "YOU" when you get Nirvana after getting realized- Siva-Sakti state!

These 36 tattvas are subtle part of universe. These have finer, subtlest composition. Those are called 5 KalAs as initially described: a) nivrattI kalA is outermost enclosure at subtlest level. Here you find 1st tattva- prithvI tattva (Earth element).
b) Pratistha kalA is 2nd layer from outside & comprises of 23 tattvas (2nd tattva- Jala to 24th tattva PrakritI tattva) c) VidyA kalA is 3rd enclosure having 7 tattvas from 25th tattva- Purusha tattva till 31st tattva- MAyA tattva
d) santa kalA is 4th layer having 4 tattvas from 32nd tattva- suddhavidyA tattva to 35th tattva- saktI tattva e) santatita kalA is 5th from outside & innermost layer having only 1 last tattva- Siva tattva.

An article by GS

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