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The Divine Plan

Updated: Nov 7, 2020

"Baawlon ka ek dal aata hai...

naachta hai, gaata hai aur Chala jaata hai...

Use koi nahi jaan paata."

"A flock of lunatics comes... sings & dances and then goes away... No one identifes them."

- Sri Ramkrishna paramhansa

We like it or not but we can't escape results of our actions & intentions.

With each life we add some & balance some.

So that after many births different souls are on different planes.

This is called spiritual hierarchy.

All ages are divided into distinct cycles of distinct religions.

Each cycle (yuga in Vedanta & daor in sufi) consists of 700 -1400 yrs.

After which it loses significance & is replaced by new cycle.

In each such cycle there are 11 ages (kaal in Vedanta & zaman in sufi) of 65-125 yrs.

In 1 cycle there are total 55 sadgurus (perfect masters) & 56 self-realized souls (shivAtma in Vedanta & Majzoob-e-Kamil in sufi).

Plus 1 Saviour (Avatar in Vedanta & Saheb-e-zaman in sufi) or Rasool.

So that in each age, there are 5 sadgurus (Qutubs) with variable number of shivatmas (typically 3-7) in ANY given time.

So in each cycle there are 112 souls (55 Sadgurus, 56 Shivatmas & 1 Avatar) playing active role in Lila.

All these 112 souls are in highest/perfect spiritual plane (7th plane).

There are other advanced souls between 2nd to 6th plane.

Total of advanced & perfect souls is fixed.

Spiritual hierarchy consists of 7000 souls in 1 cycle.

In 1-10 age, within 1 cycle, 5 Sadgurus play the role of Men-God.

Of which, 1 is in charge of highest spiritual duty.

He's called Perfect-perfect master (Qutub-e-irshad).

In last, 11th age, Avatar takes charge from him.

Perfect Majzoobs alternate in number in each age.

7 in 1st, 3 in 2nd and so on..

But whenever they are more than 3, 4 leave their body in realization itself.

So at any 1 time, 5 Sadgurus & 3 Shivatmas are in body.

In 11th, Avatar joins these 8 perfect souls & replaces Qutub-e-irshad.

At any given time, only 8 Self-realized souls (7th plane) are there.

Rest distribution of remaining 6992 souls (2-6th plane) is as follows:

- 5600 souls resting in between stages of 1&2, 2&3, 3&4, 4&5, 5&6 and 6&7 planes.

- 666 in 2nd

- 558 in 3rd

- 56 each in 4th, 5th & 6th planes

At any given time, in all ages, 56 Self-realized souls are there in body.

But only 8 play active role of 5 Sadgurus & 3 Shivatmas on 7th plane.

Remaining 48 Shivatmas are out of this spiritual cycle & are not amongst 7000 counted souls.

They are part of Plan B for spiritual contingency.

They remain aloof and people are not cognizant of their divinity.

Though all forty-eight have the same experience and enjoy the same divine state of “I am God” as the other eight.

8 Shivatmas heading this school are called Men-God.

Avatar is called God-man.

He's believed to be first & foremost primordial soul getting self realized but has taken duty to come again & again for benefit of mankind.

Man-God is soul which has just got self realized - Shivatma

Man-God literally means a man who has transcended to Godhood.

God-Man means God descending in body of man.

Spiritually, both are at same plane & have same powers.

But as a gesture, Avatar is given precedence over all others.

He's called as "The Ancient One"

In mythology he's the one called as Vishnu.

The preserver.

That's why only Vishnu Avatar is talked about.

In 11th, Avatar age, all (48 remaining souls in 7th plane) waiting outside also take body out of love. All masters are discharged of their duties & he has the only say.

Now I will briefly talk about 7 spiritual planes:

1st plane is of Gross world with transition to 2nd.

Spiritual journey of any soul starts (comes in 7000 groups)

2nd & 3rd plane is in subtle world.

Being has immense subtle power at his disposal.

4th plane is threshold..

It's most difficult to traverse alone.

Infact impossible.

Most are checked & stopped here.

In fourth plane, soul has tapped into all the Divine powers with very probable chance of getting lost & distracted by these.

This is only plane where soul can fall to stone consciousness.

It's when Sadguru reveals himself to such soul & helps in traversing this plane.

Since a soul achieves power state, it can choose to use it or surrender to Sadguru.

It can be good use or bad.

But even good use binds & arrests further progress.

If a soul surrenders, it moves to 5th

If it uses for good without any self desires then it moves to 6th plane.

5th & 6th planes are in mental spheres.

Such souls are on doorstep of self realization.

5th plane soul is Mahapurush (wali)

6th plane soul is Satpurush (pir)

Rest all human souls at plane 0 to 1 are called as Jivatma.

Any experience of Turya means soul has transcended into elite 7000 club.

But first experiences of turya is usually in susupti. So it may get unnoticed.

Susupti is that void that separates man from spiritual souls.

"Miyanah ashiq o mashuq hic hayal nist Tu kvud hijab-i Kvudi, Hafiz, az miyan bar kiz"

"There's no barrier between lover & beloved, Hafiz,

lift yourself aside, you are yourself covering the self"

An article by GS

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