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Process of Dying

Updated: Nov 7, 2020

Soul experience after Death

There are various similar versions of soul experience after Death.

Here's core concept of dying & death as journey of soul or no-soul/ anitta, after vital functions of gross body terminate fatally & individual is declared dead!


First experience of individual is cessation of expiration.He's unable to breathe out.As soon as it stops then prana descends through right & left columns (Ida & pingla) & then is centred in base of median column (sushumna) & stays there till inspiration is still there.


It normally takes as much time as a regular cycle of one inspiration after expiration takes...few seconds. But it can take as long as 10 minutes. It's to be remembered that there's a very narrow window of opportunity for liberation/Nirvana/moksha at every stage that follows...


When prana is staying in median nerve (sushumna), if one does throbbing of bilateral neck carotids, keeping the body of dying in Lion Lying Posture (right lateral) & reminds him of his state of dying then prana can only escape via Brahmanic aperture & not by other orifices...


At this time one finally sees very bright Primary Clear Light & finds self as in void, cloudless sky with spotless intellect.As soon as soul is able to recognize this state of Primary Clear Light, it is liberated & merged in Paramshiva.


Usually, soul is swayed by weight & momentum of karmic impressions being totally engrossed in them & fails to realize this primordial state of self & thus misses first chance of liberation! Also, if prana doesn't leave through Brahmanic but via natural orifices then mind is lucid.


Thus leaving via any natural orifices envelops soul in thought body with lucid state so that soul can't comprehend clearly if alive or dead. If one sitting nearby can recognize & recite this state clearly to the dying & then if soul realizes this state then intellect shines.


This is Secondary state of Clear Light & second chance of liberation if the soul so chooses. In third stage, karmic illusions shine. One can see process of his body burial/incineration & hear weeping & wailing of relatives. Sound, Light & Primordial Rays..all are experienced!


The third stage is of volition body, covering of feelings & emotions due to karmic impressions. It's very easy for fear to set in now. This is followed by upto 49 days of spirit existence. Initial stage is of swoon lasting typically 3.5 - 4 days with symptoms of Earth sinking in water.


This stage of chaos & confusion with dissolving of Earth element gives rise to - Next 7 days of witnessing peaceful deities with 7 further chances of liberation Or Moving to rebirth process in respective lokas Or Sinking further if no choice is made out of either choices.



The soul sees the deep blue light due to dissolution of matter aggregate in primordial state. Along with is dim white light of celestial/heaven/devas loka. Because of attachment with matter & due to its dissolution, soul starts fearing deep blue light & develop fondness for white. If realizes deep blue light then gets liberated & merges with Paramshiva. If gets attracted to dim white light (dominance of water element) of devas loka then proceeds for rebirth there.


If neither gets realized to deep blue light nor gets attracted to dim white light then process of matter dissolution is complete leading to brilliant radiant white light of Principle of consciousness. If able to realize this radiant white light then liberation occurs...else karmic fear because of anger sets in & sway the soul away towards smoke colored hue of Hell. Here if rebirth occurs then misery is endless & time of getting out isn't fixed.


After water, earth element dissolves & its aggregate in primal form of touch tattva shines as Yellow light, realizing it gives Wisdom of equality & liberates. But more typically due to karmic ego there's sway to dull bluish-yellow hue of Human world of suffering, disease, death.

This was 3rd day after swoon & 3rd possibility of liberation OR rebirth.

Each day, every chance/ visual experience is accompanied by respective deity which is mind-form originating from self only, like self hallucination.

So their form varies as per faith of last life.


Red light from primal fire element/ tejas tattva now shines. It's aggregate of feelings. If realization occurs now then wisdom of All-Discriminating liberates the soul. Along with is dull red hue of preta-loka (unhappy spirits). Karma of intense attachment leads you there.


Green light from primal air element now shines. It's aggregate of volition. If realization occurs then All-performing wisdom liberates the soul. Else karmic passion of jealousy attracts soul to dull green hue of Asur-loka (abode of quarrel & warfare).


Now for colors of white, yellow, red, green of aggregates of water, earth, fire, air respectively combine & shine respectively.

There's either Compassion Wisdom to liberate OR soul can get attracted to any of 6 lokas- Deva, Hell, Human, Preta, Asura or last... Brute!


Vari-colored radiance of purified propensities shine & soul may get liberated by Simultaneously born Wisdom. Along with is dull blue hue from brute world (abode of slavery & dumbness). Soul may get attracted to it because of dull intellect of past lives & remaining non-committal. If soul stills remains engrossed in past impressions & fails to recognize these 7 peaceful chances/ visions of 7 peaceful deities then is followed by further 7days of witnessing wrathful deities. These visions instill more fear & awe thus recognition of true self is difficult. These following 7 wrathful visions are distortions of 7 peaceful deities & originate from self only.


Their forms r described in different lits differing highly. Importance lies in the fact that there's only miniscule chance of liberation if recognized & not of rebirth. So from 8-14 days there are successive visions filled with fear & awe. If one has prayed to these deities before or recognized from past experience or listens to & thus guided by spiritual guru then can attain realization even in these fearful states.


So if soul chooses Devas loka/ Hell loka/ remains non-committal till 14 days after swoon state (3.5-4 days after death) then it's now devoid of all primordial tattvas. They have all but disintegrated in different hues of light. So the embodiment of soul now is "desire-body"


These 3 are termed as supernormal birth-form/ existence. Wherever soul chooses to be born now gets visions of that loka/future place of birth. If one doesn't get swayed into those visions & is guided by guru then can attain liberation even in this state and wont go for rebirth.


Reason to call this desire-body state supernormal is because it has all infinite power of Self. It can traverse to whatever time & space it so wishes. It has all the power of Shiva state. But typically soul can't recognize this & gets habitually lost in visions of future loka. This is state of wandering & soul can go back to place of just deceased swayed by such thought & will see relatives mourning. Soul in this state sees grey twilight like light & can remain for upto max 7 weeks (49 days), typically upto 22 days!


This body eventually faints..& is shadowed by thick dark cloud of powerful sanskaras earned in all past lives till now & still remaining as balance. Among this darkness will be visions & hearing from future loka. As per choice lead by past impressions soul experiences fear, pain, pleasure, indifference.


Even in this state if 1 can get aware of this self state due to meditation habit or guiding by guru then get liberation & won't arrive at womb door for rebirth! Or 1 can try to re-enter deceased body. But it has already been decomposed or disposed of. But typically one being habitual of duality sees vision of someone else showing him all visions based on karmas. Thus identifying him as Lord of Death, spirit converses & argues against charges of ill-deeds. Because of habit lies & not accept wrong doing.


Mirror of karma then unfolds & every deed is there to see vividly. For lying feeling guilty can feel being punished as decapitated. But since it's all hallucination soul doesn't die & keeps experiences drama one after another. Here if 1 recollects it as like in dream then is liberated.


People on higher spiritual planes don't get to witness these visions as they don't fall into futile arguments with own self. They swiftly move to next plane of existence as they have already chosen and arrive at process of rebirth.

An article by GS

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