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The Art of Renunciation

Suppose you are going to your everyday market or any place you frequently visit.
You see familiar faces or even those with whom you were best buddies just a few days ago.

All you need to do is act as though you have never met them in your life.
You do not need to pretend, nor do you owe anyone an explanation.
You just have to be firm in your decision — that you have chosen the path of Renunciation in its highest measure.

People will talk behind your back. Some might even confront you.
How you deal with it is your tapasya, the austerity you have undertaken, and it will reflect in those moments.

Because somewhere, either a Guru or a sacred text has revealed to you that there is none other than yourself.
If that is true, then how can there be any need to prove that you are doing something for yourself?

If you can grasp this, then and only then can you understand the path of Renunciation.
Otherwise, you can never truly understand it, nor should you attempt it.

It is simply this: either do it wholeheartedly, or do not even think about it.

To do this isn't a Kid's Play, IT IS AS TOUGH AS A BATTLE OF PANIPAT!

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